Peace Power Blog

Tips, Tricks, and Industry News for Electricity, Natural Gas, and Internet!

Alberta Energy Provider

Alberta's Best Energy Providers: How to Choose the Right One for You

Alberta's Best Energy Providers There are many different energy providers in Alberta, and it can be...
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Alberta energy rates spring 2022

Spring 2022: What You Need To Know About Alberta Energy

Alberta's energy sector is under strain and the high energy bills this year have affected everyone....
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18 Tips For Saving Energy Without Spending A Dime.

Try using these 18 minor adjustments to get significant cost savings on your bills. The most...
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reading my utility bill

What fees are included in my power bill?

Do you really know what's included in your energy bill? Most Albertans pay their utility bills...
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Peace Power Utility Service Area Updates 2021

Peace Power: Service Area Updates 2021

Peace Power: Service Area Updates 2021
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How much energy does cryptocurrency consume?

How much energy does cryptocurrency consume?

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are all over the news as the crypto market continues to...
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Which home appliances use the most energy? Infographic

How much energy does the average household use in Alberta?

According to Natural Resources Canada (2017), household heating accounts for 61.6% of the total ...
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