Peace Power Blog

Tips, Tricks, and Industry News for Electricity, Natural Gas, and Internet!

Understanding the Surge Why Electricity Rates are Rising in Alberta

Understanding the Surge: Why Electricity Rates are Rising in Alberta

Alberta, famous for its huge supply of energy like oil and natural gas, is dealing with the problem...
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How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal at Home

How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal at Home

In our increasingly interconnected world, a strong and stable Wi-Fi signal has become as essential...
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Alberta's Transition from Coal to Natural Gas Implications and Future Pathways

Alberta's Transition from Coal to Natural Gas: Implications and Future Pathways

Alberta, the energy heartbeat of Canada, renowned for its sprawling reserves of oil, coal, and...
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The Role of the Government of Canada in Electricity and Gas Regulation

The Role of the Government of Canada in Electricity and Gas Regulation

It can sometimes get overwhelming for us Canadians to truly understand the relationship of the...
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Cut Costs and Carbon: Simple Steps to Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency

Cut Costs and Carbon: Simple Steps to Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency

Home energy efficiency improvements not only help you lessen your carbon footprint but also...
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Alberta Wildfires: Where to Donate and How to Help

Alberta Wildfires: Where to Donate and How to Help

With Alberta wildfires on the rise, thousands of Albertans were forced to evacuate their homes and...
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Understanding the RRO Situation in Alberta What It Means for You

Understanding the RRO Situation in Alberta: What It Means for You

Hello, Peace Power customers and friends!
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Building a Comprehensive Home Emergency Kit: What You Need to Stay Prepared

Building a Comprehensive Home Emergency Kit: What You Need to Stay Prepared

Emergencies can strike at any time, making it crucial for you to be prepared with a well-stocked...
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Emergency Preparedness Tips for Staying Safe and Connected During Power Outages

Emergency Preparedness: Tips for Staying Safe and Connected During Power Outages

Power outages can happen unexpectedly, whether due to extreme weather conditions or technical...
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