Peace Power Blog

Reducing Energy Costs: Creative Hacks To Save Energy This Winter

Written by Peace Power | Feb 3, 2016 3:36:00 AM

At Peace Power, we’ve been surveying Albertans across the province for their suggestions on how to (creatively) save energy, and now it’s time to share! The response was nearly overwhelming, so we’ve slimmed the list down to the most creative, focused, and easy-to-implement power-saving tips for the home.

How Albertans Can Save More on Energy 

  • Ive installed motion sensors in my hallways. That way the light only comes on when necessaryand goes off when someone leaves the hallway. It drove my wife crazy at first, but we fine-tuned the timing, and now we love the hands-free convenience!
  • My roommate and I just installed smart switches so we can control the electrical devices and lights throughout our home via our smartphones. Its pretty cool being able to turn on my favorite song, set some mood lighting & brew a cup of coffee from the bus!
  • My kids love their electronic devices. So three days a week, I make them put their electronics down and go outside. It sounds a bit mean, but I also dont let them charge their gadgets while theyre gone, so we get at least one more hour of quality family time when they get back.
  • We installed a timeout device on our television so that the electricity is cut off to it when no one is home, like during work and school hours or at night when we’re all sleeping. I had no idea how much power a big-screen TV wastes when its on standby mode!
  • Instead of turning on the lights when I get up during the night, I use an energy-efficient LED flashlight that I keep by my bed, to find my way through the house. It saves me money on power, stops me from stumbling around in the dark, and it helps me find the perfect midnight snack!
  • In our house, the entire family, including the kids, know the importance of saving energy. That is why we use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances, have good insulation installed and only run the dishwasher when it has a full load.
  • We have a rule that my teenage sons hate! The person who leaves the most lights on in the house has to mow the grass (or shovel snow) for the next week. It works out great…as long as I remember to follow my own rules...

In a world of increasing complexity and demand for power, it is only natural, for consumers to begin looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption and save money on utilities. One great way to save money is to switch to the only utility provider that wants to help you drive your costs down even further.

In the winter its dark more often and you use more power. In the summer the a/c and fans are keeping you cool. Every season has its individual power needs and it never seems to end! There is no better time to switch to Peace Power than now. Try the seven minute switch and start saving on your monthly electricity bill today.

In the meantime, it’s your turn. Now that you know what others do to save energy, why not share the creative ways you reduce your energy consumption in the comments below.

For more home energy efficiency tips see related articles

  1. Simple tricks to cool your home without relying on A/C!
  2. Weatherproofing your home for winter in Alberta
  3. How to keep your house cool in a heatwave?
  4. 9 Ways To Save Money On Your Heating Bills


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