Peace Power Blog

Have you seen our floating rate on electricity?

Written by Peace Power | Apr 9, 2015 2:15:00 AM

We are very happy to tell you March was a big month in the world of Alberta electricity. The average Power Pool price for March was the lowest ever since Alberta deregulated power, at $20.67 per MWh.

The Top 10:  The chart lists the lowest average monthly prices recorded over the last 15 years.

What this means for the consumer is a floating rate of approximately 3.5 cents per kWh for the month of March. If you have yet to sign up with Peace Power, consider the floating rate, which has averaged 6.01 cents/kWh over the past 12 months. Remember, should the floating rate start to eclipse the fixed rates we offer, you can always make the switch with ten days' notice, penalty-free.

While that is a massive milestone for the retail electricity market, it’s not the whole story. The big picture shows that deregulation of the Alberta electricity market is working, and retailers like Peace Power play a significant role in saving Albertans money every month. Considering that fixed contracts promoted by Just Energy, Direct Energy, ENCOR, and ENMAX have prices that are 100% more than our current floating rate (excuse me, I just spit out my coffee), it is good to know that you have the choice to shop, compare, and save. Hard times come and go, but we like to think we can help make things easier on everyone. Every bit counts!

We would also like to remind you that we will soon be breaking into the natural gas and green energy retail markets! While I wish we had a confirmed date that this would be happening, please know we are working very hard to get every piece in place to give you a more comprehensive utility experience in the next few months!

We love to hear questions and comments from you regarding our service and how the Alberta electricity market is doing. Please hit us up on social media or shoot us an email!

Kirk Clavelle
Chief Information Officer
Peace Power Corporation


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Electricity, Natural Gas, and High-Speed Internet

Providing utility services throughout Alberta, including Edmonton, Calgary, Grand Prairie, Red Deer, Slave Lake, Lethbridge, Airdrie, Fort McMurry, Fairview, Sherwood Park, Medicine Hat, Spruce GroveLeduc, St Albert, Fort Saskatchewan, and everywhere in between.